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In our region, there are people who really do something for a cleaner environment. Ricardo Stuurman is a good example. He cleans up litter in Gorinchem and the surrounding area. In this way, Ricardo contributes to a cleaner neighbourhood for all of us.

Walking with a purpose

'I help to clean up litter because I think it is important for us to have a clean neighbourhood,' Ricardo explains. 'I enjoy taking walks and it feels good to do something for our neighbourhood right then.' Thus, he turns his walks into a kind of mission to keep the neighbourhood clean.

Bicycle and litter pick-up

Even when Ricardo is on his bike, he pays attention to litter. 'If I see litter, I clean it up,' he says. For him, it is normal to help keep the environment clean wherever he is.

Ensign municipal clean

Ricardo also talks about his name, Ensign municipal clean. 'Under this name, I clean up litter. I like that,' he says proudly. The name fits well with what he does and makes it even more fun.

Ricardo encourages others to also do something for a cleaner neighbourhood. 'Just start, all small actions help. Together we can achieve a lot!'