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Products that you store properly stay good for longer, especially if you store them in the freezer. Avoid waste and find out how to make the best use of your freezer with handy storage tips. 

Freezer storage tips

  • The best temperature for in your freezer is -18°C. No bacteria grow at this temperature.
  • However, the quality of products can deteriorate somewhat. For pre-packed frozen foods, follow the best-before date and thawing and preparation instructions on the packaging.
  • Store leftovers in a sealed container or bag. Write down what it contains and note the freezing date.
  • Freeze food in small portions. Then it will freeze faster and create less or no condensation.
  • Don't put too much in the freezer at once.
  • You can keep vegetables in your freezer for months longer by cooking them for 2 minutes before storing them in the freezer when cooled.
  • Always heat frozen leftovers, meat and fish products as well as vegetables from your freezer food well after defrosting and eat it within 24 hours.
  • Defrost the freezer every 3 months.

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Source: Nutrition Centre

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