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By collecting waste separately, we can reuse or recycle many raw materials. Many residents already separate their waste very well. To further improve the quality of the separated raw materials in the containers at low-rise houses for vegetable, fruit and garden waste (VGF) and plastic packaging, metal packaging and drink cartons (PMD), we will check the contents from 3 July 2023.

Our waste contains valuable raw materials, such as plastic, garden waste and food scraps. If we separate them properly, we can reuse them. From VGF waste, for instance, we can make biogas and compost. And from PMD we can make new packaging and products. All the raw materials we collect separately are processed separately for recycling. And that is good for the environment. To improve the quality of collected raw materials even further, Waardlanden will check the contents of the PMD and VGF containers on collection days.

Controls with yellow and red cards

Plastic packaging, metal packaging (cans) and drink cartons belong in the container with an orange lid or pmd sticker. Vegetable, fruit and garden waste and food waste belong in the green container or the container with a green lid. We all sometimes make a mistake or don't know exactly what belongs where. This is why our drivers have yellow cards in the collection truck. With the yellow card, we want to point out to residents that there is waste in the container that does not belong there. On the yellow card, the driver notes exactly which waste it is. If there is a yellow card, the container will simply be emptied. Do you ever doubt which container a product or material belongs in? The separation guide helps! Or use the handy Waardlanden app. This way, you always have all information on waste and raw materials at hand. More help and tips can be found here. 

Residents who fill a large part of their container with waste other than the waste for which the container is intended will receive a red card. The container will then be left in place. The waste that does not belong in the container must first be removed from the container so that we can empty it on the next collection round. The controller decides whether a card will be attached to a container.

Recyling only possible without contamination

If there is too much contamination among the raw materials collected, it cannot be reused. Then the processor will not accept a shipment. In that case, unfortunately, all collected raw materials have to be incinerated at high cost. Even the raw materials that residents did separate properly. This is not only very expensive, but also a waste of raw materials and residents' efforts to separate waste properly.

Less residual waste through better separation

The quality checks are part of the new waste and raw materials policy of the municipalities of Gorinchem, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Molenlanden and Vijfheerenlanden. This policy was adopted in 2021. The policy plan sets out how the municipalities, together with Waardlanden, intend to reduce the amount of residual waste from 232 kilograms in 2020 to 100 kilograms per person per year in 2025. To achieve this goal, raw materials, such as VGF and PMD, must be separated even better. More information on the new policy can be found at

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