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On Saturday 19 August, we will organise 'Clean Together on tour' together with EnjoyCleaningUp. A huge clean-up campaign throughout our service area. With a camper van, we will travel through Vijfheerenlanden, Gorinchem, Molenlanden and Hardinxveld-Giessendam to pick up litter together with residents.

We want to go into the new school year tidy. Young and old are welcome to join the big clean-up action. Anyone who wants to help collect litter does not need to bring anything. There are plenty of pegs and bags. 

Clean-up campaign in four municipalities

Saturday 19 August, the special event starts in the morning in Vijfheerenlanden and ends in the afternoon in Hardinxveld-Giessendam. Find out what time and where the clean-up action starts in your municipality:

  • 09.30-10.30 at The Middelwaard entrance in Vianen
  • 11.30-12.30 at the climbing frame Outside the Waterpoort in Gorinchem
  • 13:30-14:30 at Middelbroeck ice cream parlour in Vuilendam, Ottoland
  • 15:30-16:30 at De Giessenhof shopping centre on the square in front of terStal in Hardinxveld-Giessendam

Hairy waste heroes

The robot dog of Alex van Eck, founder of EnjoyCleaningUp, helps track down litter during the clean-up campaign. Just like Alex's labradors do in everyday life. 'In my fight against environmental pollution, I trained my dogs to detect and pick up litter in nature. Together, we roam town and country to make the world a cleaner place. We hope to inspire other dog owners with this, because after all, everyone can mean something. In the Netherlands, there are some 2.2 million dogs that go outside an average of four times a day. If every dog owner takes one piece of litter with him while walking, we will clean up 8.8 million pieces of litter in the Netherlands every day!'

Labra torium

Cleaning up is fun and important. And with EnjoyCleaningUp's Labra-torium, it becomes even more fun and educational. In the special motorhome, visitors can dive among fish, turtles and rubbish after cleaning up with virtual reality glasses. Because the ocean is not only home to underwater animals. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of trash. Our environmental coach Ingrid will be present for tips and to answer residents' questions about reducing residual waste and separating waste and raw materials better. She is also offering smokers a free bag ashtray. Because cigarette butts on the street or in the pit are very harmful to the environment. After each action, there will be some goodies for everyone.