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If you have a garden, you probably know the problem of lots of pruning and garden waste. With a few handy tips, you can turn this garden waste into nutritious compost, all from your own garden. No more hassle taking green waste to the waste disposal site. And no extra costs for fuel, processing and fertiliser. And it's good for the environment, too.

Choose the right place

It all starts with the right place for your compost heap or bin. Choose a shady spot in your garden, where the compost heap can quietly do its work without getting direct sunlight.

Mix green and brown material

A good compost heap needs balance. Mix green material, such as grass and kitchen waste, with brown material, such as twigs and dry leaves. This provides a good mix of nutrients and helps the composting process.

Moisture and aeration are important

A moist environment is important for the composting process, but make sure your compost heap does not get too wet. Regular flipping ensures good airflow and speeds up the decomposition process.

Choose a compost bin

A compost bin is handy because it keeps everything neatly together and speeds up the composting process. A bin also prevents waste from spreading in your garden.

Avoid food waste such as meat and dairy products

It can be tempting to throw all your kitchen waste into the compost bin. However, it is important not to add food scraps such as meat and dairy products. These can attract pests and interfere with the composting process.

Save money and help the environment

By making your own compost, you not only save money. You are also helping the environment. Start composting today and in no time you will enjoy a fertile garden at no extra cost. This is how we work together towards a waste-free and clean environment.

Want more tips for eco-conscious gardening? Then take a look at the Sustainable News website, where you will find lots of useful information to make your garden even greener.

For more tips, visit