It is only allowed to offer waste materials at the recycling square if the waste materials fall within the applicable permit under the Environmental Management Act. In addition, the requirements set out in these regulations must be met. Article 2.1.2 The supplier of waste must be able to show proof of identity and an environmental pass at all times when presenting waste. Article 2.1.3 Upon arrival within the circuit square, the provider is obliged to follow these regulations and the instructions provided by the manager or indicated by signs. The instructions are to be followed strictly and immediately. The Road Traffic and Traffic Signals Regulations also apply on the premises. Article 2.1.4 If these regulations or the instructions by or on behalf of the director, the execution department manager, the team manager or the manager are not followed, they are authorised to prohibit the provider from accessing the recycling square. Article 2.1.5 The board, the director, the implementation department manager, the team manager or the manager may decide not to accept certain waste materials temporarily, if circumstances in and around the recycling centre give cause to do so. A refusal form shall be drawn up in this regard. The provider takes note of the refusal and the manager draws up a report of findings within a week. If certain waste materials may or can temporarily not be accepted, this will be published on the website Article 2.1.6 Waste materials must be offered during the opening hours set by the board, as stated on the board at the entrance to the recycling square. Deviations from the above opening hours will be announced in good time, through publication in the local papers and the website Article 2.1.7 It is prohibited to place or deposit waste in or around the recycling square in any place or manner other than as provided for in or pursuant to these regulations. Article 2.1.8 The transport and dumping of waste shall be carried out in such a way as not to cause pollution of the access roads, the recycling square or its surroundings. Article 2.1.9 Method of delivery by the supplier: The supplier must report to the manager/ employee of the recycling centre. The supplier is obliged to show his environmental pass and provide the manager/ employee of the recycling centre with information about the waste delivered. The manager/ employee of the recycling centre will indicate any costs involved. The supplier will carry out the financial transaction if applicable. The manager/ employee of the recycling centre will give the supplier instructions. The supplier is obliged to follow these instructions. Bringing/sorting waste without the permission of the manager/ employee of the recycling centre is prohibited. Spilled waste must be cleaned up by the supplier himself. Once the waste has been deposited, the supplier must immediately leave the recycling square with his vehicle. It is forbidden to take any goods with him that are on the recycling square. An exception is made for suppliers from outside the region who only bring reusable goods. Article 2.1.10 Access to the recycling square: It is forbidden to be on the recycling square outside the times determined by the executive board. Persons under 12 years of age are only admitted to the recycling square in a vehicle. They may not leave this vehicle while offering waste. Persons other than waste suppliers may not be on the recycling square without the permission of the manager. It is prohibited to bring waste and/or usable goods with a tractor and/or with a combination longer than 7.5 metres and/or heavier than 3,500 kg. It is also prohibited to bring waste materials with a trailer Article 2.1.11 It is forbidden for anyone to offer the following substances at the recycling square: Substances, which cause danger through self-ignition, explosion, contamination and/or radiation; Substances that spread excessive odour or contain vermin; Hot ashes; C-wood Roof waste KCA and gas bottles (see article 2.1.15) Vehicles subject to registration, such as end-of-life vehicles, scooters and parts thereof; Car tyres; Soil; Carcasses; Commercial waste, including commercial white and brown goods. Debris; Asbestos; Bulky greenery; Residual waste; Article 2.1.12 It is prohibited for companies and non-residents of the Cleaning Service catchment area to offer waste. An exception is made for partners of the circular network who bring deferred household waste and have received an access pass for this purpose. Article 2.1.13 Cadavers will not be accepted and can be offered at the Gorinchem Animal Shelter located at Haarweg 1 in Gorinchem, among other places, on payment of the applicable fee. Article 2.1.14 Small hazardous waste should be handed in at the chemical cart that is present at the recycling square once every 2 weeks. The provider must hand in the waste to the manager. He must also indicate which substances are being offered. Substances whose composition is not known will not be accepted. Article 2.1.15 White and brown goods must be offered in such a condition that they can reasonably be called complete. The white and brown goods need not be in working condition. Retailers may request permission from the director to hand in their customers' white and brown goods at the recycling centre free of charge, without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 2.1.11 and 2.1.12. Article 2.1.16 The administrator assesses whether there are prohibited substances and/or a non-legitimate provider. In case of refusal, the refusal form in Annex 1 shall be prepared by the manager and given to the offeror. The provider shall take note of the refusal and the administrator shall prepare a report of finding within one week. Section 2.2 - Provisions for the carrier Article 2.2.1 Outside opening hours, carriers may only be on the premises with the express permission of the team leader and with the knowledge of the manager. When entering and leaving the premises outside opening hours, the entrance gates must always be closed. Article 2.2.2 Carriers are prohibited from sorting waste Article 2.2.3 No containers of waste may leave the site of the recycling centre if the necessary documents as prescribed by the authorities for the transport of waste have not been completed or are incomplete. Article 2.2.4 Upon arrival within the circuit square, the carrier is obliged to follow these regulations and the instructions provided by the manager or indicated by signs. Article 2.2.5 If these regulations or the instructions by or on behalf of the director, the execution department manager, the team manager, the administrator are not complied with, the director, the team manager, the administrator is authorised to deny the carrier access to the circuit court. Article 2.2.6 The transport of waste must take place in such a way that no contamination of the access roads, the recycling square or their surroundings occurs. Chapter 3 - Liability Section 2.3 Article 2.3.1 Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden accepts no liability whatsoever for the consequences of presenting waste other than that permitted under the Environmental Management Act permit of the recycling centre and these regulations. Article 2.3.2 Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden accepts no liability for the consequences of entering and driving on the grounds of the recycling square. Article 2.3.3 The provider and the transporter shall be jointly and severally liable for damage caused by them, their staff, persons appointed by them or equipment used by them, or the waste or other substances brought in by them to the staff of the recycling centre. or to third parties' objects in use. Article 2.3.4 The offeror and the carrier are jointly and severally liable for the costs of the removal and/or destruction of the substances they offer Article 2.3.5 The supplier and the carrier are jointly and severally liable for the costs of removing and/or nullifying substances offered by them which, in the opinion of the director, the implementation department manager, the team manager, the manager, local or provincial and/or national government, could result in environmental damage if not removed and/or nullified. Article 2.3.6 The provider and the carrier indemnify Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden against all claims for damages by themselves or third parties, regardless of the cause of the damage. Chapter 4 - Denial of access Section 2.4 Article 2.4.1 The director, the execution department manager, the team manager or the administrator, is authorised to indefinitely deny access to the recycling centre to the provider or carrier who violates the rules laid down in these regulations. The provider or carrier shall take note of the refusal and the administrator shall prepare a report of finding within one week. The provider will be informed of the refusal by Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden within one week. Chapter 5 - Entry into force and withdrawal Section 2.5 Article 2.5.1 These regulations shall enter into force with effect from 1 March 2024 with the simultaneous repeal of the Waardlanden recycling centre regulations as adopted on 10 February 2022. Chapter 6 - Final provisions Section 2.6 Article 2.6.1 These regulations may be cited as "Waardlanden recycling centre regulations". Adopted in the meeting of the board on 26 February 2024. the secretaryJ.A.P. Rau the chairmanA.C. Bikker"/>

The Board of the Joint Management Organisation Bedrijfsvoeringsorganisatie Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden;


adopt the following:
RULES, regulating the presentation of waste at the recycling square to:

Ambachtsweg 2, at Nieuw-Lekkerland.

Chapter 1 - General


For the purposes of these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:

"the circuit square"

the area where reusable goods and materials and waste are handed over to employees.


the board of the Joint Management Organisation for the Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden.

"the director"

the director of Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden or his deputy.

"the departmental implementation manager"

the person who, under the responsibility of the director, is in charge of directing the team manager.

"the team manager"

the person who, under the responsibility of the execution department manager, is in charge of the manager.

"the administrator"

the person who, under the responsibility of the team manager, is in charge of supervision in the Kringloop square.

"employee recycle square"

the person who, under the responsibility of the manager, is in charge of, among other things, providing services at the gate.


The person offering waste at the recycling square.


the person, not employed by Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden, who transports containers of waste materials to places where these waste materials are processed or transhipped.

"waste materials"

any waste, preparation or other product which the holder discards, intends to discard or is required to discard - with a view to its disposal.

"Resident of service area Cleaning Service"

The person registered in the population register of the municipalities of Gorinchem, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Molenlanden and Vijfheerenlanden and of the former municipality of Lingewaal who pays waste disposal charges.


all legal entities and self-employed persons without staff, not being "residents of service area Cleaning Service".

"industrial waste"

office, shop, and service waste according to the definitions as defined in the Environmental Management Act with implementing regulations.

"environmental pass"

the pass provided by Waardlanden to residents paying waste collection fees, which gives these residents access to the recycling points.

refusal form

report of finding

Chapter 2 - Provisions applicable to the circular square

Section 2.1 - Provisions for the provider

Article 2.1.1 It is only allowed to offer waste materials at the recycling square if the waste materials fall within the applicable permit under the Environmental Management Act. In addition, the requirements set out in these regulations must be met.

Article 2.1.2 The supplier of waste must be able to show proof of identity and an environmental pass at all times when presenting waste.

Article 2.1.3 Upon arrival within the circuit square, the provider is obliged to follow these regulations and the instructions provided by the manager or indicated by signs. The instructions must be strictly and immediately followed. The Road Traffic and Traffic Signals Regulations also apply on the premises.

Article 2.1.4 If these regulations or the instructions by or on behalf of the director, the execution department manager, the team manager or the manager are not followed, they are authorised to prohibit the provider from accessing the recycling square.

Article 2.1.5 The board, the director, the implementation department manager, the team manager or the manager may decide not to accept certain waste materials temporarily, if circumstances in and around the recycling centre give cause to do so. A refusal form shall be drawn up in this regard. The provider takes note of the refusal and the manager draws up a report of findings within a week. When certain waste materials may or can temporarily not be accepted, this will be announced on the website. be published.

Article 2.1.6 Waste materials must be offered during the opening hours set by the Board, as indicated on the board at the entrance to the recycling square. Deviations from the above opening hours will be announced in good time, through publication in the local papers and the website

Article 2.1.7 It is prohibited to place or deposit waste in or around the recycling square in any place or manner other than as provided by or under these regulations.

Article 2.1.8 The transport and dumping of waste should be carried out in such a way as not to cause contamination of the access roads, the recycling square or its surroundings.

Article 2.1.9 Mode of offering by provider:

The provider reports to the manager/ employee circle square.

  • The supplier is obliged to show his environmental pass and provide information about the waste delivered to the manager/ employee of the recycling centre .
  • The administrator/staff member will mention any charges.
  • If applicable, the provider executes the financial transaction.
  • The caretaker/ staff member will give instructions to the provider. The provider is obliged to follow these instructions.
  • Bringing/sorting waste materials without the permission of the manager/ employee of the recycling centre is prohibited. Spilled waste must be cleaned up by the provider himself.
  • After the waste is deposited, the provider must immediately leave the recycling square with his vehicle.
  • It is forbidden to take any goods, which are located on the circle square.

An exception is made for suppliers from outside the region who only bring reusable goods. They will have access to the recycling square without an environmental pass.

Article 2.1.10 Access to the circular square:

  • It is forbidden to be in the circuit court outside the times set by the board.
  • Persons under 12 years of age are only admitted to the recycling square in a vehicle. They are not allowed to leave this vehicle while offering waste.
  • Persons other than waste suppliers are not allowed to be in the recycling square without the manager's permission.
  • It is prohibited to bring waste and/or usable goods with a tractor and/or with a combination longer than 7.5 metres and/or heavier than 3,500 kg. It is also prohibited to bring waste materials with a trailer.

Article 2.1.11 It is forbidden for anyone to offer the following substances in the recycling square:

  • Substances, which present a hazard by self-ignition, explosion, contamination and/or radiation;
  • Substances that spread excessive odour or contain vermin;
  • Hot ash;
  • C-wood
  • Roof waste
  • KCA and gas cylinders (see Article 2.1.15)
  • Vehicles subject to registration, such as end-of-life vehicles, scooters and parts thereof;
  • Car tyres;
  • Ground;
  • Cadavers;
  • Commercial waste, including commercial white and brown goods.
  • Debris;
  • Asbestos;
  • Coarse green;
  • Residual waste;

Article 2.1.12 Companies and non-residents of the Cleaning Service service catchment area are prohibited from offering waste. An exception is made for circular network partners who bring deferred household waste and have been given an access pass for this purpose.

Article 2.1.13 Cadavers will not be accepted and can be offered at the Gorinchem Animal Shelter located at Haarweg 1 in Gorinchem, among other places, on payment of the applicable fee.

Article 2.1.14 Small hazardous waste should be handed in at the chemical cart that is present at the recycling square once every 2 weeks. The provider must hand in the waste to the manager. He must also indicate which substances are being offered. Substances whose composition is not known will not be accepted.

Article 2.1.15 White and brown goods must be offered in such a condition that they can reasonably be called complete. The white and brown goods need not be in working condition. Retailers may request permission from the director to hand in their customers' white and brown goods at the recycling centre free of charge, without prejudice to what is prescribed in Articles 2.1.11 and 2.1.12.

Article 2.1.16 The administrator assesses whether there are prohibited substances and/or a non-legitimate provider. In case of refusal, the refusal form in Annex 1 is prepared by the administrator and given to the provider. The provider takes note of the refusal and the administrator prepares a report of finding within a week.

Section 2.2 - Provisions for the carrier

Article 2.2.1 Outside opening hours, transporters may only be on the premises with the express permission of the team leader and with the knowledge of the manager. When entering and leaving the premises outside opening hours, the entrance gates must be closed at all times.

Article 2.2.2 Carriers are prohibited from sorting waste.

Article 2.2.3 No containers of waste materials may leave the premises of the recycling centre if the necessary documents as prescribed by the government for the transport of waste materials are not completed or are incomplete.

Article 2.2.4 Upon arrival within the circuit square, the carrier is obliged to follow these regulations and the instructions provided by the manager or indicated by signs.

Article 2.2.5 If these regulations or the directions by or on behalf of the director, the execution department manager, the team manager, the administrator are not complied with, the director, the team manager, the administrator is authorised to deny the carrier access to the circuit court.

Article 2.2.6 The transportation of waste shall be carried out in such a way as not to cause contamination of the access roads, the recycling square or its surroundings.

Chapter 3 - Liability

Paragraph 2.3

Article 2.3.1 Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden accepts no liability whatsoever for the consequences of presenting waste materials other than those permitted under the recycling centre's Environmental Management Act and these regulations.

Article 2.3.2 Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden accepts no liability for the consequences of entering and driving on the grounds of the recycling square.

Article 2.3.3 The provider and the transporter shall be jointly and severally liable for damage caused by them, their staff, persons appointed by them or equipment used by them, or waste or other substances brought by them to the staff of the recycling centre. or to third parties' objects in use.

Article 2.3.4 The offeror and the carrier are jointly and severally liable for the costs of removal and/or destruction of the substances they offer.

Article 2.3.5 The provider and the carrier shall be jointly and severally liable for the cost of removing and/or nullifying substances offered by them which, in the opinion of the director, the execution department manager, the team manager, the manager, local or provincial and/or national government, could result in environmental degradation if not removed and/or nullified.

Article 2.3.6 The provider and the carrier shall indemnify Reinigingsdienst Waardlanden against all claims for damages by themselves or third parties, regardless of the cause of the damage.

Chapter 4 - Denial of access

Paragraph 2.4

Article 2.4.1 The director, the execution department manager, the team manager or the administrator, is authorised to indefinitely deny access to the recycling centre to the provider or carrier who violates the rules laid down in these regulations. The provider or carrier shall take note of the refusal and the administrator shall prepare a report of finding within one week. The provider will be informed of the refusal by the Waardlanden Cleaning Service within one week.

Chapter 5 - Entry into force and repeal

Paragraph 2.5

Article 2.5.1 These regulations shall come into force with effect from 1 March 2024 with simultaneous repeal of the regulations of Kringloopplein Waardlanden as adopted on 10 February 2022.

Chapter 6 - Final provision

Paragraph 2.6

Article 2.6.1 These regulations may be cited as "Reglement kringloopplein Waardlanden".

Adopted in the meeting of the board dated 26 February 2024.

the secretary
J.A.P. Rau

the chairman
A.C. Bikker