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In this edition of "Litter picker in the spotlight", we introduce Tim to you. Tim is 15 years old and helps keep his neighbourhood clean. "For a few years now, I have been making regular rounds through my neighbourhood to pick up litter," Tim says enthusiastically.

Zwerfafvalpakker Tim in het zonnetjeDream of becoming a rubbish collector

Tim has a big dream for the future: 'I would like to become a rubbish collector later and my dream job would be a workplace at Waardlanden. By picking up litter in my neighbourhood, I can already help Waardlanden a little and contribute to a cleaner environment.' Tim shows that you can make a difference at a young age.

'Just clean up your own mess!'

Tim is annoyed by people who just throw away their rubbish: 'I find it very careless of people to throw so much rubbish on the street. I would say to them: 'Just clean up your own mess!' He hopes people will pay better attention and throw their rubbish in the bin.

Deposits and a clean neighbourhood

Tim has found a clever way to earn a little extra: 'I keep the cans and bottles with deposit money separate. I return these to the shop. That way, I get something out of it too.' So Tim not only helps to keep the neighbourhood clean, he also earns a penny.

Help from Waardlanden

His efforts have not gone unnoticed. 'From Waardlanden, I received an extra-long waste grab. So now I can grab waste even better at ditches and bushes!' This allows Tim to do his job even better.

Tim's message to everyone

Tim has a clear message: 'I hope to continue this for a long time. But better would be if everyone just throws their rubbish in the bin.' Let's all follow his example and keep our environment clean.

Thank you, Tim, for your amazing efforts. You are a real hero in your neighbourhood!