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Summer is here. Time for sunshine, being outside a lot and enjoying nature. During the holiday season, we often bring out all kinds of summer stuff or buy it new.  Find out how to reuse, borrow or buy more consciously to make summer just as fun, but much more sustainable! 

Reuse and borrowing 

Before heading to the shop for new summer gear, consider whether you really need it. Maybe you still have stuff from last year that you can use again. Or are there friends, neighbours or family you can borrow from. For example, do you need a swimming pool for that one hot week? Ask around your neighbourhood first. Picnic blankets are also great for sharing. Camping gear like tents and sleeping bags are also often only used a few times a year. By sharing them, you save money and space. Or look around at online sharing platforms where you can borrow or share stuff. This is not only good for the environment, but also for your wallet. 

Sustainable purchasing 

If you do want to buy something new, opt for sustainable options. This way, you will directly contribute to a better environment. 

  • Swimwear: Go for swimwear made from recycled materials. These are durable and of good quality. 
  • Beach chairs and umbrellas: invest in sturdy gear that will last several summers. 
  • Sunscreen: Choose sunscreen in biodegradable packaging or larger containers to save plastic. 

Give things a second life 

Do you have summer items that are still in good condition but that you no longer use? Then bring these to a thrift shop or give them away. This way, you will not only make your summer more sustainable, but also help others enjoy a sustainable summer time. 

Broken or worn summer gear 

Summer gear can break down or run out during use. Then it's good to know where to store them afterwards  late: 

  • Broken beach chairs or parasolsThese items can usually be repaired. If repair is not possible, take them to the environmental centre for recycling.  
  • Worn swimwear and towelsWorn swimsuits and towels, if clean and dry, can be thrown in the collection container specifically for textiles in the neighbourhood. This ensures that the materials can be reused. 
  • Summer inflatables Summer inflatables are made of soft PVC, which is easy to recycle. Broken or leaky summer inflatables you can dispose of them separately in the inflatable container at one of our environmental centres for recycling during the months of July, August and September. 
  • Sunscreen or oilNever flush old sunscreen or oil down the sink, as this can cause problems in the sewage system. These products should be disposed of with the packaging in residual waste. Empty plastic bottles of sun cream and oil can be disposed of with plastic packaging, metal packaging (tins) and drinks cartons (pmd)*. Preferably with the cap on to avoid spillage. 

*Please note: How you dispose of pmd depends on where you live. Residents of high-rise and low-rise houses without a pmd container can dispose of pmd and residual waste together in a collection container for residual waste in the neighbourhood. This waste is collected separately and later sorted by machines. 

By properly disposing of your summer items, you will contribute to a better environment and ensure that materials are reused as much as possible. 

Use the separation guide 

Got another summer product and unsure which bin it belongs in? With the handy Waardlanden app you always have the separation guide and other information on waste and raw materials at hand.  

Together for a sustainable summer 

Every small gesture helps, from sharing camping gear to choosing recycled swimwear. By giving away or properly disposing of your summer items, you ensure that materials can be reused and together we reduce waste. 

This summer, let's commit to less waste and more enjoyment. Together, we will make a difference!

For more tips, visit