From 10 March to 2 April 2025, it is time again for the E-waste Race. Primary school pupils from Gorinchem, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Molenlanden and Vijfheerenlanden will compete to give new life to as much electronic waste as possible. With this special project, pupils discover the importance of repairing, reusing and recycling and what they themselves can do for a cleaner sustainable future. You can help by offering broken or unused appliances. This way, you support the pupils in their fight against electronic waste and help them earn points for a nice prize.
Together against electronic waste
Every year, around 370 million kilos of electronic waste are generated in the Netherlands, which is about 21 kilos per person. Unfortunately, much of this waste ends up unused in cupboards, attics or is even thrown away with the residual waste. This is a missed opportunity, as they contain valuable raw materials that we can reuse. This is why Waardlanden organises the E-waste Race: an exciting competition for pupils from 10 primary schools in the region to save as much e-waste as possible from the dustbin. The aim is to give broken or unused electronic devices a new life. This can be done by passing them on, having them repaired or recycling them.
Learning and doing
The race starts with an inspiring guest lesson in which experts talk about repair, reuse recycling and why it is important to be resource-efficient. After this lesson, pupils will get to work for four weeks: passing on appliances, taking them to repair cafes, collecting e-waste for recycling and helping their school get as many points as possible.
Who will win the race?
The school with the most points will win a fun and educational school trip to the Nemo Science Museum in Amsterdam. The school finishing in second place will also receive a prize: a Correctbook, a handy, erasable and reusable notebook. This year, the following schools are participating:
In Municipality of Gorinchem CBS Het Kleurenlint and CBS Samen Onderweg. In the municipality of Hardinxveld-Giessendam Ikc Merwede and CBS De Regenboog. In Molenlanden CBS De Wegwijzer (Hoogblokland), CBS Rehoboth (Groot-Ammers) and SmdB De Wegwijzer (Nieuw-Lekkerland). In Vijfheerenlanden CBS De Rank (Meerkerk), CBS Het Kompas (Lexmond) and Eben-Haëzer School (Leerbroek)
Last year, participating schools together collected 17,424 appliances. Will students manage to pass on, repair and collect even more appliances for recycling this year?
Also help
Do you still have a broken kettle, an old cable, a keyboard or any other device at home that you no longer use? Join the E-waste Race and give your broken and unused appliances a second life. From 10 March, you can register appliances at Anything with a cord or battery counts. Students will come by - depending on their availability - to collect the items from you free of charge. Rather hand in appliances yourself? Take appliances to the recycling centre free of charge using the environmental card or hand in small appliances and cables at one of over 3,000 shops, such as supermarkets and DIY stores. Large electronics shops are obliged to accept small appliances up to 25 centimetres, even if you are not buying anything new. Check for all return points.
Please note that ink cartridges, loose batteries and loose batteries do not fall under e-waste and cannot be handed in for the race.
Get involved too and help reduce electronic waste. Give away devices you don't use, have old items repaired, or hand them in for recycling. Together, we give devices a second life and save valuable raw materials. This way, we work towards a waste-free and clean region and a sustainable future.