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Are you done with garbage bags full of used baby nappies? And would you like to contribute to a better environment? Then you can separate disposable nappies in special nappy waste bags and hand them in for free at one of Waardlanden's recycling centres. Or even better: choose smart and save more with washable nappies. Better for the environment and your wallet.

Advantages of washable nappies

With washable nappies, your baby is potty-trained faster and suffers much less from nappy rash thanks to the natural materials. These modern nappies are very easy to use. Moreover, you avoid waste and save trips to the recycling centre. So washable nappies are better for the environment and your wallet. More information can be found at

Hand in disposable nappies free of charge at the waste disposal site

You collect the used disposable nappies in a special waste bag for baby nappies, which you can pick up at environmental centres and in a number of other places in the municipalities of Gorinchem, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Molenlanden and Vijfheerenlanden. Take the full bag to the recycling centre, where you can dispose of it free of charge in a special container. The semi-transparent nappy disposal bags may only contain used disposable nappies. So do not add (latex) gloves, flannels, pads, ointment pots, tubes or other materials. This is very harmful to the recycling process.

Locations waste bags for baby nappies

You can also collect special waste bags for baby nappies at these locations. Check the opening hours of the various venues in advance.

Municipality Location Address Location
Gorinchem Town hall Town Hall Square 1 Gorinchem
Gorinchem Waardlanden waste disposal site Boezem 3 Gorinchem
Hardinxveld-Giessendam Town hall Town Hall Square 1 Hardinxveld-Giessendam
Hardinxveld-Giessendam Waardlanden waste disposal site Schrank 10 Hardinxveld-Giessendam
Molenlanden Giessenburg village hall Breestraat 2 Giessenburg
Molenlanden Groot-Ammers waste disposal site Transport Road 3 Groot-Ammers
Molenlanden Albert Heijn Nieuw-Lekkerland Planet Avenue 35 Nieuw-Lekkerland
Molenlanden Kringlooplein Ambachtsweg 2 Nieuw-Lekkerland
Vijfheerenlanden Leerdam town hall Dokter Reilinghplein 1 Leerdam
Vijfheerenlanden Waardlanden waste disposal site Handelstraat 15 Leerdam
Vijfheerenlanden Meerkerk town hall Princess Marijkeweg 1 Meerkerk
Vijfheerenlanden Vianen town hall Front Street 30 Vianen
Vijfheerenlanden Waardlanden waste disposal site Sportlaan 4 Vianen

Medical waste

The bin bags for nappies are not intended for incontinence material. Incontinence materials fall under medical waste in the Waardlanden municipalities. People with a medical indication who cannot reduce their residual waste due to medical waste may be eligible for compensation. They can contact the municipality for more information.

Compenstiation scheme municipality of Gorinchem

You apply for the allowance (compensation) online using the application form for reimbursement of waste costs (DigiD). Do you have any questions about the medical waste compensation scheme? If so, please contact the municipality of Gorinchem. Mail to or call 0183 65 9399.

Compensation scheme municipality of Hardinxveld-Giessendam

For more information, visit and download the application form.
Send the completed form by e-mail to or by post to:
SVHW Cluster Heffen, PO Box 7059, 3286 ZH Klaaswaal.
During office hours for enquiries, call 0186 - 577 222 or 0800 - 020 08 73.

Compensation scheme municipality of Molenlanden

During office hours, call 088 75 15 100 or do at an application.

Why return disposable nappies separately?

If you throw disposable nappies in the residual waste, they end up in the incinerator. Disposable nappies that you hand in separately at the waste recycling centre are partly processed into raw material to make new products, such as plastic car parts. This type of processing has less impact on the environment than incineration in a waste-to-energy plant.

This is how we move together towards a clean environment and waste-free future. More videos and useful tips for reducing and separating waste can be found at


Do you have a question about baby nappy collection?

> Find the answers to frequently asked questions on the collection of baby nappies and medical waste here

For more tips, visit