On this page, you will find more information on how to prevent waste, how best to separate your resources at home, as well as how together we can keep the neighbourhood tidy and clean, without waste.

Read more soon:

Waste prevention, separation and recycling

Use the separation guide 

Use the multilingual map

Do not put rubbish next to collection containers  

Does the waste not fit in the container? 

Are you moving and have bulky waste? 

Is your environmental pass not working? 

Is the collection container full? 

Faulty collection container 

Prevent noise pollution 


Waste prevention, separation and recycling

If you separate your waste properly at home, your costs are lower, than if you have a lot of residual waste. Because the less often you present residual waste, the lower the variable part of the annual waste collection fee becomes. At least, if you live in Gorinchem, Hardinxveld-Giessendam or Molenlanden. In fact, residents of Vijfheerenlanden do not yet get a say in a part of the waste collection levy.

More information and tips on preventing, separating and recycling waste you can read in our blogs or watch our videos. From clever recycling suggestions to creative reuse ideas. Find out how you can contribute to effective waste separation and why you should separate waste at home - or not! Learn more about the benefits of source and post-separation and how these methods help us towards a more sustainable future.


Use the separation guide

Do you ever doubt which bin a product or material belongs in? The separation guide and the Waardlanden app help with this. So you always have all the information you need on waste and raw materials at hand. Would you prefer a paper separation guide? You can view, download and print out the waste sorting guide. Then you can put it in a handy place at home. Then you can quickly see what belongs where. 

View and download paper separation guide


Use the multilingual map

Our supervisors and environmental coaches use a multilingual waste card. This card provides clear and understandable information about waste separation and collection to residents who do not speak Dutch or do not speak Dutch well enough. The multilingual card provides more information in English, Polish, Romanian, Arabic, Turkish and Ukrainian about the types of containers and what belongs in them, the locations of collection containers, what can be taken to the recycling shop or environmental centre and the importance of not leaving food waste on the street. As a result, all residents know how to separate and dispose of waste and raw materials. It also increases awareness about waste separation within communities.

You can view, download and print the multilingual map to use at home.

View and download the multilingual map

Do not put rubbish next to collection containers

Putting rubbish next to the collection container is not allowed. Apart from the high cost of this offence, bypasses are bad for the safety and public health of a neighbourhood and it also looks very dirty. To ensure a clean and safe public space free of litter and vermin, it is important to remove any added waste as soon as possible. This way, we counteract copycat behaviour. People add litter when they see that something is already there.

Therefore, we now use direct government action, or urgent administrative enforcement. We charge a fee to clear the illegally placed waste. The cost for this is € 206.50. This has the advantage of keeping the environment clean as pollution is cleaned up immediately. This is how we ensure a safe, healthy and clean environment. 


Does the waste not fit in the container?

Take it to the waste disposal site or make an appointment and have it collected. You can also make a bulky waste appointment in the Waardlanden app. With the environmental pass, you can visit the waste recycling centres as often as you like. Residents of the municipalities of Gorinchem, Hardinxveld-Giessendam and Molenlanden pay a rate for a small number of types of waste and raw materials. These tariffs are set annually. Per household, you can bring one or more of these raw materials to the waste disposal site 3 times a year using your environmental pass without having to pay separately. From the fourth visit, a tariff applies. You can find out which raw materials you have to pay separately at Bulky waste delivery and home collection.


Moving house and bulky waste?

Bring bulky waste with your environmental card to the waste disposal site or make an appointment and let us pick it up. You can also easily make a bulky waste appointment in the Waardlanden app. You can book a trailer for free at the recycling centre and use it for two hours to bring stuff to the recycling centre. 

Do you live in Gorinchem and do not have a car?

Do you live in Gorinchem and do not have a car to take away bulky waste? Call Poort6 on weekdays between 08.30 and 16.3 on 0183-669900. They can also help you take your rubbish away.


Is your environmental pass not working?

It may happen that your card or the card reader does not work. In that case, try your pass first at another residual waste collection container. There is always another container within walking distance in your neighbourhood. If your pass does not work there either a notice on our website or in the Waardlanden app. Do not leave the bag at the collection container, but take it back home. 


Is the collection container full?

A built-in detector in the collection containers allows us to remotely track how full the containers are. This allows us to further improve planning and empty the containers on time. Are you near a full container before we are, or is there a malfunction? Then try another waste collection container in your neighbourhood. There is always one within walking distance. Putting rubbish next to the collection container is not allowed.


Faulty collection container

Failures can be reported 24 hours a day report on our website or in the Waardlanden app. It would be nice if you pass on the container number right away, so our colleagues can solve the problem even faster and prevent additional placements. The container number can be found at the top left of the collection container. You can dispose of your rubbish bag in another container. There is always another container within walking distance in your neighbourhood. Or take your rubbish bag home again until the problem is solved. Do not put your rubbish next to the collection container. The cost for this offence is high!


Prevent noise pollution

To avoid noise pollution, we ask you not to use the collection container between 10pm and 7am.


We can imagine that like many other residents, you have questions about waste separation or supervision and han enforcement. This is understandable. That is why you will find here answers to frequently asked questions.
Do you have another question? Ask us your question. We will do our best to answer your question to the best of our ability. And you help complete this list of frequently asked questions right away.

Together we keep the neighbourhood tidy and clean